8 CSS selectors explained with example, DOM tree and cheat sheet

The Basics of CSS Selectors YouTube

Before active state (before clicking the button): After clicking the button: Explanation: In the above example, use following CSS property to set the :active selector. button:active { background-color: green; font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace } With these lines of code we are changing the styling of button on focusing.

25+ Amazing CSS Select Boxes 2019 Templatefor

CSS :active selector is used to apply CSS styles to an element only when it is active. An element becomes active when you click on it. As soon as you finish clicking the element, these styles are completely removed from the element. The p:active selector in the following example will add a yellow background to the

element as soon as you.

20+ Select Box CSS Examples Inspiration OnAirCode

The :active pseudo-class is used to select and style the active link or any other element. It is activated by user. An element becomes active when the user clicks on the link or the element and presses down the mouse button. The :active pseudo-class is used on the and